Progressive supranuclear paralysis is a rare neurodegenerative disease that causes problems of gait, balance and vision, and later swallowing. The disorder results from damage to cells in areas of the brain that control body movement, coordination, thinking and other important functions. Progressive supranuclear paralysis worsens over time and can lead to complications such as pneumonia and swallowing problems. There is no cure for this disease.

Additional signs and symptoms of progressive supranuclear paralysis vary and can mimic those of Parkinson's disease and dementia.

Pierderea echilibrului în timpul mersului.
Incapacitatea de îndrepta ochii în direcția dorită, vedere încețoșată și dublă
Rigiditate (în special a gâtului)
Cădere, mai ales căderea pe spate
Vorbire lentă sau neclară
Probleme la înghițire, care pot provoca oboseală sau sufocare
Sensibilitate la lumina puternica
Tulburări de somn
Comportament impulsiv sau râs sau plâns fără motiv
Dificultăți de raționament, de rezolvare a problemelor și de luare a deciziilor
Depresie și anxietate
O expresie facială surprinsă sau speriată, rezultată din mușchii faciali rigizi

Do not procrastinate! If you have any of these symptoms, call a doctor.

Neuristica doctors, who specialize in movement disorders, are here to help you.



Specialized in Movement Disorders and Cognitive Disorders

Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. No matter how serious, complex or rare your situation is, we have the experience to approach it. We are overspecialized in renowned centers for world medicine.

Thorough consultation

We focus on the details. We leave nothing to chance. Often, small details make the difference between one diagnosis and another. We carefully analyze every information available to give the right opinion.

Continuous Monitoring

We have developed our own solutions through which we track patients on a weekly basis. Thus, we are aware of the evolution of the disease and in critical cases we can intervene.

60 Minutes with the Doctor

We evaluate each situation in detail and without haste to give you the best chance to return to your life.

We educate for Prevention

Preparestaff in ourpatientcommunitiestoincrease local medicalexpertise. This reduces the need for patients to move to specialized centers in theearly stages of the disease.       

Health is Our Profession

We are a multidisciplinary team of medical professionals, centered on the needs of the patient. We have a collaborative, consultative approach to treat personalized patient needs.  That's what we know how to do. We chose to be doctors because we feel good to help people.