Tarifele se referă la consultații online. Pentru o medicină minuțioasă, consultația durează 60 de minute, din care 50 de minute față în față cu pacientul și 10 minute pentru elaborarea concluziilor și a documentelor medicale. Controlul durează 30 de minute, din care 20 de minute față în față cu pacientul și 10 minute pentru elaborarea concluziilor și a documentelor medicale.

Controlul se poate programa doar după o consultație inițială și la maxim 45 de zile de o consultație anterioară. Dacă programarea se face după 45 de zile de la consultația anterioară se va înregistra ca și consultație.


Specialized in Movement Disorders and Cognitive Disorders

Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. No matter how serious, complex or rare your situation is, we have the experience to approach it. We are overspecialized in renowned centers for world medicine.

Thorough consultation

We focus on the details. We leave nothing to chance. Often, small details make the difference between one diagnosis and another. We carefully analyze every information available to give the right opinion.

Continuous Monitoring

We have developed our own solutions through which we track patients on a weekly basis. Thus, we are aware of the evolution of the disease and in critical cases we can intervene.

60 Minutes with the Doctor

We evaluate each situation in detail and without haste to give you the best chance to return to your life. The doctor allocates 50 minutes for the discussion with you and 10 minutes for the elaboration of medical documents.

We educate for Prevention

We train the staff in our patient communities to increase local medical expertise. This reduces the need for patients to move to specialized centers in the early stages of the disease.

Health is Our Profession

We are a multidisciplinary team of medical professionals, centered on the needs of the patient. We have a collaborative, consultative approach to treat personalized patient needs.  That's what we know how to do. We chose to be doctors because we feel good to help people.